Adverse Outcome Pathways

The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework makes linkage between molecular initiating events (MIEs) and associated adverse outcome (AOs) and has revolutionized traditional dose–response toxicology. SETAC members have been active participants in developing the AOP framework: Learn more about AOPs by reviewing the following links:
AOP Knowledgebase
View the AOP Wiki, hosted by the Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways, represents the central repository for all AOPs developed as part of the OECD AOP development effort by the extended advisory group on molecular screening and toxicogenomics.
Online Professional Training Course
View “Developing and Applying Adverse Outcome Pathways What You Need to Know”
Journal Articles
- When Are Adverse Outcome Pathways and Associated Assays “Fit for Purpose” for Regulatory Decision-Making and Management of Chemicals?
IEAM 15: 633–647 (2019) - Advancing the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework — An International Horizon Scanning Approach
ET&C 36: 1411–1421 (2017) - ET&C Series on Predictive Ecotoxicology
ET&C 30: 9–76 (2011) - Adverse Outcome Pathways: A Conceptual Framework to Support Ecotoxicology Research and Risk Assessment
ET&C 29: 730-741 (2010) - Adverse Outcome Pathways I: Development and Applications
ET&C 37: 1723–1733 (2018) - Adverse Outcome Pathway Networks II: Network Analytics
ET&C 37: 1734–1748 (2018)