Science Outreach

SETAC promotes open science and provides many opportunities for science outreach. We’ve summarized a few venues below based on type of audience:

Science Outreach to the Scientific Community

  • SETAC Publications: Journal articles, books, Technical Issue Papers, Science Briefs and news articles in the SETAC Globe. For guidance on publication, see the publish with SETAC page.
  • Presentations: For opportunities for presentations, please see our meetings and events page. For recorded talks and trainings, please see the SETAC Vimeo and YouTube channels.

Science Outreach to the General Public

SETAC communication staff are happy to help members communicate their science through various SETAC outlets:

  • Fact Sheets: SETAC encourages members to engage with the public through authoring Technical Issues Papers and Science Briefs that can be referenced in online debates and distributed to policy makers, regulators and other interested parties in outreach efforts.
  • SETAC Social Media Events: SETAC is happy to amplify messages shared on social media. Tag us!
  • Podcasts: Check out the IEAM Podcasts, which are short interviews that give the story behind the science.

SETAC encourages members to seek resources and forums for science outreach from established organizations: