Copyright Policy
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) adheres to copyright laws in all its aspects. Further, we require SETAC members and all participants in SETAC programming, including authors, presenters, instructors, event attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, service providers among others, to adhere to copyright laws and regulations.
SETAC Publications and Presentations
By submitting a publication, an abstract, slides or a poster to SETAC, or agreeing to have a presentation recorded or streamed, the author declares the right to grant SETAC permission to use, reproduce, display, distribute (internally or externally) derivative works of any or all of the submissions, including the author’s own works and that of others. Being able to grant these rights requires stringent attention to permissions. SETAC provides these recommendations to assist the authors in that regard:
You must properly attribute the original source for any material (text excerpts of more than 250 words, tables, figures, illustrations, photos, videos and audio recordings) that has been published previously, including content that has been published in print, digitally or electronically. Attribution is NOT a substitute for permission to re-use, unless the material is licensed under Creative Commons (see below under Open Access). If in doubt, you should obtain permission. Please exercise customary professional courtesy in acknowledging intellectual properties such as patents and trademarks.
If a work has been published previously and is not Open Access or in the public domain, you must obtain permission to re-use it. For SETAC journals, obtaining permission is a through the RightsLink service of the Copyright Clearance Center. Most publishers use a similar service or have their own permission forms available online. For other content, you will need to contact the source to obtain permission for re-use. Be sure that your request includes the educational purpose and the potential uses of the copyrighted material in your presentation: as a reprint in a handout, as a visual during your presentation and as a video or audio product that may be offered.
Public Domain
Some government-published content is in the public domain and requires attribution but not permission. However, many other governments publish materials that are not in the public domain; both attribution and permission are required for such content. If in doubt, you should ask and obtain permission.
Open Access
Some materials are published under a Creative Commons (CC) license. You can use CC-licensed materials as long as you follow the license conditions. One condition of all CC licenses is attribution (see above under Attribution). If you are not sure if the material has a CC license, you should obtain permission.
Some people assume that materials published on a website or webpage are free to be copied or downloaded and re-used without attribution or permission. As with any other publication, that may or may not be true. What is certain is that you are responsible for determining whether permission is required, and you must obtain it where necessary. While SETAC cannot obtain permissions for you, we will be glad to answer questions.
For questions, contact the SETAC communications and publications team.