Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open.

Submit an abstract by 17:00 PET on 12 March.

Submit an Abstract

Please Note

  • You will need to have a SETAC account (free, explorer or full membership). Create or login to your account before submitting an abstract.
  • Posters must be in ENGLISH but the presentation can be given in any of the three official languages (Spanish, Portuguese or English).

  • A maximum of two poster presentations per presenting author will be allowed.

  • Submissions will be reviewed by the abstract review committee and you will be notified via email about acceptance by 1 May.

  • All presenters must register for the meeting by 1 August, pay applicable registration fees and attend the meeting.

Guidelines for Writing Abstracts

  • Submit abstract to a session to which the subject matter is applicable
  • Use title case for your title (for example, “Recommended Minimum Reporting Information for Environmental Toxicity Data”)
  • Spell out abbreviations and acronyms in the title
  • Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum in the abstract and fully define at first reference
  • Do not include citations
  • Do not promote a commercial product, process or service
  • Write for your audience: session chairs and colleagues
  • Be clear and concise. Suggested outline:
    • Include one or two sentences on background
    • Identify the challenge, problem, question or purpose of the work
    • Explain how you plan to address the challenge
    • Describe methods or approach without getting into excessive detail
    • Report results or hypothesis, as appropriate
    • Summarize main conclusions if research is complete
    • Note the relevance of the study: How findings advance the topic or how they can be applied
  • The body of the abstract should not exceed 2,500 characters (including spaces)

View sample abstract.

SETAC Code of Conduct

By submitting an abstract you are agreeing to abide by the SETAC code of conduct and willing to be a registered attendee at the meeting.