SETAC North America 45th Annual Meeting - Training Course Proposals

18 Dec 2023 - 15 May 2024

General Information

Help promote the advancement of environmental sciences and education in the field and propose a training course for the SETAC North America 45th Annual Meeting in Fort Worth. 

Submission deadline:
17:00 CST on 15 May 2024


Timeline of Course Development

  • 15 May: Deadline to propose a training course.
  • May/June: Education Committee reviews proposals and communicates with lead instructors to address any questions or possible modifications.
  • June: Lead instructors are notified of selection, and accepted courses will be included in the preliminary meeting program and registration.
  • 15 August: After the final registration deadline, SETAC will determine which courses will be included in the final program based on meeting sign up minimums.
  • 20 October: Training courses take place at the annual meeting.

Requirements for Course Proposals

  • Course title: The title of the proposed course should be as specific as possible and accurately reflect the content of the course. Use 15 or fewer words.
  • Description: The description, 200 words maximum, must cover the purpose of the course and the topics to be discussed. If the proposal is accepted, this abstract will be used to advertise the course on the website and in other ways.
  • Objectives: State the objectives of the course in a few sentences.
  • Course level: State the level of experience or prerequisite knowledge the participants need to properly understand the course materials.
  • Course length: Training courses are either half-day (4-hour) or full-day (8-hour). For half-day courses, the proposal should indicate if morning or afternoon is preferred.
  • Products and course materials: List the products and their formats that you intend to distribute for the course, including any software packages. We encourage quality, take-home products that participants can use for future reference.
  • Registration cap: Please determine the minimum and maximum number of participants for your course. Course attendance will be limited to the maximum number and may be cancelled (in consultation between SETAC and the lead instructor) if the minimum enrolment is not achieved. SETAC recognizes that instructional approach or equipment needs may limit the number of people that can be taught effectively.
  • Lead Instructor: Identify one person as the lead instructor. Future correspondence will be conducted through the lead instructor, who will be responsible for informing the other instructors.
  • Instructors: Evidence of qualifications (bio or resume) for each instructor should be submitted with the proposal. Each instructor’s role in the proposed course should be clearly defined.
  • Cost Estimate: The lead instructor is responsible for providing accurate cost estimates and possible meeting registration waivers in the proposal. Note: Honoraria will not be provided and should not be included in the costs. Costs should be kept low to ensure course acceptance.
  • Other Needs: List any special room, space, or other equipment requirements. Also list items that you expect participants to bring (e.g., laptop computers).

Costs and Reimbursement

Although SETAC appreciates and encourages the volunteerism that has contributed to the success of the training course program, we recognize the effort and time commitment of instructors to prepare and teach training courses. Instructors, who are otherwise unsupported by their institutions, may request meeting registration waivers when proposing a course. Typically, we give waived registration for a maximum of two instructors for a full-day course and one for a half-day course. SETAC may also reimburse other expenses, upon request, on a case-by-case basis.

The lead instructor is responsible for providing accurate cost estimates in the proposal and must receive approval from the SETAC North America Executive Director before any expense is incurred. Requests for reimbursement of expenses, including receipts or any other documentation, should be submitted within one month after the annual meeting to allow SETAC staff time to honor and process all requests in a timely manner.

Conflict of Interest

The subject matter of professional training courses should be based on applications and not on proprietary operations or technology, software, etc. If a specific instrument or technology is emphasized, all similar products must be mentioned. There may be no endorsement of specific techniques, instruments, software, etc. as part of the course material or in subsequent literature relating to the presentation of the course. A SETAC endorsement disclaimer will be included for all courses that make reference to specific instruments or technologies. SETAC appeals to the instructors’ good judgment in presenting balanced, unbiased information. The purpose of SETAC professional training courses is to educate and promote good science, not to sell products or services.