Café Series
The SETAC Café series is an initiative that aims to keep SETAC members connected between annual meetings. It provides a format for environmental professionals to share knowledge and engage in topical discussions.
The SETAC Café was first officially launched during the SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon), as an informal get-together at the end of each eventful day. SETAC eventually decided to follow up on this networking initiative and make it a regular series of one-hour to one-and-a-half-hour topical discussion meetings.
Occasionally, the Café will host the Journals Club, which will serve as an additional outlet for promoting author contributions to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). The club meeting will be a half-hour to 45 minutes long and offers a deeper dive into the research published in the journals. The format will be a brief introduction by a moderator, a short presentation or chat by the author and a discussion or Q&A period with the audience. Journal clubs are free and open to the public so reviewers and authors can also participate.
Interested in hosting a SETAC Café? If you have an interesting topic in mind that could provide an engaging discussion, please propose your own SETAC Café.
Upcoming SETAC Cafés
SETAC Café Policy
Audio, photos and recordings
SETAC Europe has the right to record, film or photograph during the SETAC Café. By registering for any SETAC Café edition, you agree to allow SETAC Europe to use, reproduce, display and distribute (internally) photos or recordings of the café editions.
Codes of Conduct and Ethics
Each member participating in SETAC Cafés are bound by the Codes of Conduct and Ethics and should:
- Avoid inappropriate and discriminatory actions. The diversity of human cultures, races, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, gender expressions, gender identities, marital statuses, political affiliations, visible and unseen disabilities, employers, levels of employment and educational backgrounds bring unique perspectives to our organization. Discrimination based on any of these, or other less apparent differences, will not be tolerated; show respect to colleagues, fellow members and hosts.
- Be professional. Refrain from using insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in SETAC interactions.
- Respect the rights, interests, and contributions of professional colleagues
- Respect intellectual property and provide appropriate attribution for all intellectual property arising elsewhere.
Furthermore, we request you to adhere the SETAC Copyright Policy.
Hosts Responsibilities
By proposing a topic and agreeing to become a host for one of the next SETAC Café’s, you declare that you grant SETAC Europe permission to use, reproduce, display or distribute (internally) the recoding of the café session.
SETAC Europe does not allow presentations that are advertisements of a service, product or company. Therefore, any use of specific logos or visuals of a company, product or service shown during the presentation either in slides or any other used tool, is not allowed.
For more information, feedback, questions, requests or comments, please contact the SETAC Communications Team.