Plants and Plant Protection Products

SETACers are interested in research about aquatic macrophyte and terrestrial plants, especially as concerning testing. One cannot talk about plants without talking about plant protection products (pesticides). Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides. They help protect crops, however, they could have unintended consequences and are therefore heavily studied.

Workshop Summaries

SETAC Pellston Workshop® (2011): Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators


SETAC Globe Articles

Decorative: A large honeybee sits on top of an orange flower


Free e-book: Mitigating the Risks of Plant Protection Products in the Environment: MAgPIE

Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators

Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Ecological Risks of Pesticides

Aquatic Macrophyte Risk Assessment for Pesticides

SETAC Interest Group

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