25 Jan 2024

Welcome, Tamara! Thank you, Allen!

Jen Lynch, SETAC

Welcome Tamara Galloway!

Editor-in-Chief Tamara Galloway headshot

We are excited to announce that Tamara Galloway, Professor of Ecotoxicology at the University of Exeter, UK, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief at Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) effective 8 January 2024. Galloway’s research focuses on the biological effects of pollutants on humans and on the environment, specifically with regards to the marine environment. She has studied a range of legacy and emerging contaminants of concern, most recently on plastics and associated chemicals. In addition to her extensive experience as a published author, she has held various editing roles over the years. She has just stepped down from her role as Associate Editor-in-Chief at Chemosphere, where she was responsible for the ecotoxicology-themed papers.

When asked why she was interested in the role at ET&C, she noted, “The topics of environmental toxicology and chemistry, hazard and risk assessment have been the central focus of my career, and I can bring many positive ideas and suggestions from this experience to guide the future of the journal. I have a great deal of experience in making editorial decisions about scientific publications, their creativity, innovation, clarity, and rigour. I also have a very wide professional experience in conducting laboratory and field investigations into environmental contaminants which allows me to take a pragmatic and informed approach to judging the work of others and its merit.”

Please join us in welcoming Tamara Galloway to ET&C!

Thank you, Allen Burton!

Editor-in-Chief Allen Burton headshot

Such a major change in leadership at ET&C is bittersweet. It is with fondness and deep respect that we wish Allen Burton all the very best in his retirement from the journal. Burton has been a tremendous force for good, bringing about changes that made ET&C a leader in the field of ecotoxicology. He introduced double-anonymous peer review in a time when there was much skepticism about making such a change. The feedback that we have received since the switch has been overwhelmingly positive. While we have not eliminated bias, we have made in-roads at reducing barriers for many of the communities who were advocating for this change. Burton has also worked tirelessly to broaden the geographic balance of the editorial board, expand the topical scope of the journal, and streamline editorial operations. It has been 12 years since Burton took control from founding editor Herb Ward, and he not only filled the massive shoes of Ward’s legacy; he has created his own.

Burton had a note of thanks to everyone who has engaged with the journal as well, “It’s been an honor to serve SETAC as Editor-in-Chief. The professionalism and high quality of our office team and editors has been truly impressive and a tribute to our Society. In addition, our editorial board and reviewers continue to impress with high-quality and timely reviews. The future is bright for our journal.”

Author's contact: [email protected]