Hi all,
I’m less than 30 minutes this webinar will start - we hope you can join us! If you go to the meetings tab on our IG page, note it is in past meetings so you can access the details there.
The SETAC Freshwater Salinization Interest Group (IG) welcomes its members to learn more about the IG and to learn more about the impact of road salt on Pacific Salmon Success from Dr. Chris Wood.
Pacific salmon are in precipitous decline, especially those that spawn in the streams of the urbanized Vancouver area. The “Road Salt and Pacific Salmon Success” research program is a 5-year citizen science project funded by the Alliance Grants Program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, involving volunteers from 13 local Streamkeeper groups, researchers from three local universities, and a community coordinator from the federal government. Our goal is to determine to what extent road salt runoff is contributing to this decline. Our project combines: (i) a network of conductivity and temperature loggers in local streams; (ii) laboratory studies on the effects of acute salt pulses and chronic exposures on the developmental success of coho and chum salmon and on the benthic invertebrates that they eat; (iii) field surveys of fish and benthic invertebrate communities in the streams; and (iv) an educational outreach program to encourage the more sensible use of road salt. I will give an update on progress achieved during the first year of our research program.
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