The SETAC Australasia Council invites members to contribute to a collective response to the Water Quality Guidelines Improvement Plan (WQGIP, implemented in 2020) and a 5-year strategic plan for the future of the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality.  This is a unique opportunity to help guide the direction of ANZG Water Quality Guidelines.

This will be a virtual event only.  During the registration process, attendees will be asked 8 questions regarding the Water Quality Guidelines Improvement Program (WQGIP) and these answers will be discussed and prioritised during the workshop.  Please read the attached document (below) for the background.  The 8 questions are;

1. What aspects of your current use of the Guidelines and the current Program are going well?

2. What factors are helping the current improvement program

3. What aspects of your current use of the Guidelines and the current Program are not going well?

4. What factors are hindering the current program?

5. What are some things that would be good to do differently with the Guidelines and the Program in the future - who should do them, when, how and why?

6. What challenges for the Guidelines may emerge in the future?

7. What innovations or research could be undertaken to address future challenges?

8. What other matters may be relevant to the future direction of your use of the Guidelines and the implementation of the Program?

Background - ANZG WQGIP and 5-y strategy